Features in Media and Politics
My research has been featured in prominent national and international news outlets, websites, and in various policy institutions. Occasionally, I also participate in interviews, some of which are featured in newspapers. Below is a selection of my media appearances and features in policy documents.
Policy institutions
- Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration 2024: 14. Integrationsbericht der Integrationsbeauftragten
- World Bank 2022: Forced Migration, Social Cohesion and Conflict: The 2015 Refugee Inflow in Germany
- International Labour Organization 2021: Inequalities and the world of work
- European Parliament 2020: The gendered impact of the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period
- European Commission 2020: Improving pandemic preparedness and management
Media coverage: Migration
- Newsweek, 24 Feb 2025: Was Elon Musk the Big Winner of Germany’s Election?
- Newsweek, 30 Jan 2025: Is Elon Musk Winning the German Immigration Debate?
- The Hill, 07 May 2024: The far right is gaining ground in France’s elections, and its opponents paved the way
- Alternatives Economiques, 01 Mar 2024: Imiter l’extrême droite pour lui prendre des voix, un très mauvais calcul électoral
- ReliefWeb, 17 Jan 2024: Why integration monitoring matters and how to implement it effectively
- blogs.lse.ac.uk, 08 Jun 2023: Building bridges: How to overcome polarisation
- verfassungsblog.de, 26 May 2023: Soviel zum Thema Interkulturelle Kompetenz
- higgs.ch, 31 May 2022: Warum Geflüchtete der Polizei mit der Zeit weniger vertrauen
- phys.org, 20 May 2022: Study finds immigrants initially trust police more than locals, but that trust wanes over time
- Rhein-Main Zeitung (print), May 2022, Migranten verlieren Vertrauen in Polizei
- csmonitor.com, 28 Apr 2022: Moral nation? Why Germany changed course so radically on Russia
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (print), 10 Aug 2016: Kulturferne Migranten, nein danke?
Media coverage: COVID-19
- ProSieben (tv), 27 Jan 2021: Deutschland fragt zu Corona
- Hochheimer Zeitung (print), 18 Sep 2020: Sorgen und Ängste; studie Auswirkungen der Pandemie-Verordnung auf Männer und Frauen
- Frankfurter Neue Presse (print): 14 Sep 2020, Soziologen: Frauen sind die Corona-Verlierer
- faz.net, 12 Sep 2020: Frauen sorgen sich um Kinder, Männer um das Geld