Wer ist in Deutschland willkommen? Eine Vignettenanalyse zur Akzeptanz von Einwanderern (Who is welcome in Germany? A Vignette Study on the Acceptance of Immigrants)
Refugees Unwelcome? Changes in the Public Acceptance of Immigrants and Refugees in Germany in the Course of Europe's 'Immigration Crisis'
Discursive Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigrants: Political Parties and Mass Media as Contextual Sources of Threat Perceptions
Mass Media and Concerns about Immigration in Germany in the 21st Century: Individual-Level Evidence over 15 Years
'A threat to the Occident'? Comparing human values of Muslim immigrants, Christian and non-religious natives in Western Europe
'Did you read about Berlin?' Terrorist attacks, online media reporting and support for refugees in Germany
Attitudes toward Refugees in Contemporary Europe: A Longitudinal Perspective on Cross-national Differences
New perspective? Comparing Frame Occurrence in Online and Traditional News Media Reporting on Europe's 'Migration Crisis'
My Home is my Castle? The Role of Living Arrangements on Experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Germany
Political Elite Discourses Polarize Attitudes toward Immigration Along Ideological Lines. A comparative longitudinal analysis of Europe in the 21st century
Catalyst of hate? Ethnic insulting on YouTube in the aftermath of terror attacks in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 2014–2017
Careless Whisper: Political Elite Discourses Activate National Identities for Far-right Voting Preferences
Discursive Shifts in the German Right-Wing Newspaper *Junge Freiheit* 1997-2019: A Computational Approach