
I am a Senior Researcher in the Migration & Migrants Theme at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, which belongs to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and affiliated with the University of Groningen. My research focuses on migration attitudes, ethnic conflict, migrant integration, and political communication, employing quantitative and computational methods as well as natural language processing. The results were published in esteemed general social science journals like Social Forces, European Sociological Review, and European Journal of Political Research, as well as top-tier specialty outlets such as Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Computational Social Science, and Mass Communication and Society, amassed over 1,400 citations on Google Scholar, and earned the Janet A. Harkness Award of the World Association for Public Opinion Research and the German Preis der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für sozialwissenschaftliche Aufsätze. Moreover, these findings were media in national and international media and influenced global and EU-level policy institutions.

I have several years of experience in teaching quantitative methods and research design, which includes supervising Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.

Feel free to contact me at czymara(at)nidi.nl or follow me on Bluesky at @christian.czymara.com or Mastodon at @cczymara@sciences.social.