
My research primarily explores migration and conflict, emphasizing the dynamics of public attitudes, political discourses, and mass media. My contributions have garnered significant recognition, evidenced by over 1,400 citations noted on Google Scholar (see plot on the right), ranking in the top 5% for citations according to Web of Science and in the top 2% compared to peers with similar academic age on ResearchGate. Moreover, most of my papers are individually in Altmetric’s top 5% of all research outputs and among Scopus’ top 25% most cited articles globally.

All my studies are freely available, either as open-access publications or as preprints. Interested readers can find the PDFs of the published versions in the list below, indicated by the 🔓.

Adhering to the idea of transparent and replicable research, I always upload the code of my published studies to the Open Science Framework. Feel free to use any material for secondary analyses, teaching, or other purposes. If you can’t access something, let me know.


Doctoral Dissertation

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Czymara, C. S., Eisentraut, M., Kolkwitz-Anstötz, P., Davidov, E., & Schmidt, P. (forthcoming): Antisemitism Among Muslims in Germany. European Sociological Review.
  2. Breznau, N., & 100+ co-authors (forthcoming): The Reliability of Replications: A Study in Computational Reproductions. Royal Society Open Science.
  3. Czymara, C. S. & Gorodzeisky, A. (2024). Hostility on Twitter in the Aftermath of Terror Attacks. Journal of Computational Social Science 7 (2), 1305 - 1325. 🔓 PDF
  4. May, A. C., & Czymara, C. S. (2024). Careless Whisper: Political Elite Discourses Activate National Identities for Far-right Voting Preferences. Nations and Nationalism 30 (1), 90 - 109. 🔓 PDF
  5. Czymara, C. S., & Bauer, L. (2025). Discursive Shifts in the German Right-Wing Newspaper Junge Freiheit 1997-2019: A Computational Approach. German Politics 34 (1), 128 - 155. 🔓 PDF
  6. Nägel, C., Nivette A., & Czymara, C. S. (2024). Do Jihadist Terrorist Attacks Cause Changes in Institutional Trust? A Multi-Site Natural Experiment. European Journal of Political Research 63 (2), 411 - 432. 🔓 PDF
  7. Czymara, C. S. (2024). Real-World Developments Predict Immigration News in Right-Wing Media: Evidence from Germany. Mass Communication and Society 27 (1), 50 - 74. 🔓 PDF
  8. Schmidt-Catran, A. W., & Czymara, C. S. (2023). Political Elite Discourses Polarize Attitudes toward Immigration Along Ideological Lines. A comparative longitudinal analysis of Europe in the 21st century. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (1), 85 - 109. 🔓 PDF
  9. Breznau, N. & 100+ co-authors (2022). Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), 1 - 8.
  10. Czymara, C. S., Dochow-Sondershaus, S, Drouhot, L. G., Şimşek, M., & Spörlein, C. (2023). Catalyst of hate? Ethnic insulting on YouTube in the aftermath of terror attacks in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 2014–2017. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (2), 535 - 553. Special issue: Computational Approaches to Migration and Integration Research. 🔓 PDF
  11. Hoogeveen, S., & 100+ co-authors (2023). A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain and Behavior 13 (3), 237 - 283.
  12. Czymara, C. S., & Mitchell, J. (2023). All Cops are Trusted? How Context and Time Shape Immigrants’ Trust in the Police in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (1), 72 - 96. 🔓 PDF
  13. Langenkamp, A., Cano, T., & Czymara, C. S. (2022). My Home is my Castle? The Role of Living Arrangements on Experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Germany. Frontiers in Sociology 6, 1 - 14. 🔓 PDF
  14. Czymara, C. S. & van Klingeren, M. (2022). New perspective? Comparing Frame Occurrence in Online and Traditional News Media Reporting on Europe’s “Migration Crisis”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research 47 (1), 136 - 162. 🔓 PDF
  15. Czymara, C. S., & Eisentraut, M. (2020). ‘A threat to the Occident’? Comparing human values of Muslim immigrants, Christian and non-religious natives in Western Europe. Frontiers in Sociology 5, 1 - 15. 🔓 PDF
  16. Czymara, C. S., Langenkamp, A. & Cano, T. (2021). Cause for Concern: Gender Inequality in Experiencing the COVID-19 Lockdown in Germany. European Societies 23 (S1), 68 - 81. Special issue: European Societies in the Time of the Coronavirus Crisis. 🔓 PDF
  17. Schmidt-Catran, A. W., & Czymara, C. S. (2020). “Did you read about Berlin?” Terrorist attacks, online media reporting and support for refugees in Germany. Soziale Welt 71 (2–3), 305 – 337. 🔓 PDF
  18. Czymara, C. S. (2021). Attitudes toward Refugees in Contemporary Europe: A Longitudinal Perspective on Cross-national Differences. Social Forces 99 (3), 1306 – 1333. 🔓 PDF
  19. Czymara, C. S. (2020). Propagated Preferences? Political Elite Discourses and Europeans’ Openness toward Muslim Immigrants. International Migration Review 54 (4), 1212 - 1237. 🔓 PDF
  20. Czymara, C. S., & Dochow, S. (2018). Mass Media and Concerns about Immigration in Germany in the 21st Century: Individual-Level Evidence over 15 Years. European Sociological Review 34 (4), 381 – 401. 🔓 PDF
  21. Czymara, C. S., & Schmidt-Catran, A. W. (2018). Konfundierungen in Vignettenanalysen mit einzelnen d-effizienten Vignettenstichproben (Confounding in Vignette Studies with Single D-Efficient Vignette Samples). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 70 (1), 93 - 103.
  22. Czymara, C. S., & Schmidt-Catran, A. W. (2017) : Refugees Unwelcome? Changes in the Public Acceptance of Immigrants and Refugees in Germany in the Course of Europe’s “Immigration Crisis”, European Sociological Review 33 (6). 735 – 751. 🔓 PDF
  23. Czymara, C. S., & Schmidt-Catran, A. W. (2016). Wer ist in Deutschland willkommen? Eine Vignettenanalyse zur Akzeptanz von Einwanderern (Who is welcome in Germany? A Vignette Study on the Acceptance of Immigrants). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 68 (2), 1 – 35. 🔓 PDF

Book Chapters

  1. Czymara, C. S., Dochow-Sondershaus, S, Drouhot, L. G., Şimşek, M., & Spörlein, C. (2024). Catalyst of hate? Ethnic insulting on YouTube in the aftermath of terror attacks in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 2014–2017. in Deutschmann, E., Drouhot, L. G., Zuccotti, C. V. & Zagheni, E. (Eds.), Computational Research in Ethnic and Migration Studies (pp. 152 – 170). Routledge. 🔓 PDF
  2. Velásquez, P., Eger, M. A., Castañeda, H., Czymara, C. S., Ivarsflaten, E., Maxwell, R., Okamoto, D., & Wilkes, R. (2024). Processes and Pathways of Stigmatization and Destigmatization over Time. In Yang, L. H., Eger, M. A., & Link, B. G. (Eds.), Migration Stigma: Understanding Prejudice, Discrimination, and Exclusion (pp. 179 - 200). MIT Press.
