Hostility on Twitter in the Aftermath of Terror Attacks
עוינות בטוויטר לאחר פיגועי טרור

Digital Humanities and Social Sciences in Israel

Christian Czymara & Anastasia Gorodzeisky
כריסטיאן צ׳ימארה & אנסטסיה גורודזייסקי

21 May 2024


  • Attacks shape inter-group relations in increasingly diverse societies
    • Out-group hostility (Godefroidt 2022)
    • Mental health among majority (Pirard 2020) & Muslims (Frey 2021)
    • More discrimination felt by Muslims (Giani & Merlino 2020)
  • Research question: Does ethno-religious hostility on social media increase after Islamist terror attacks?
  • Online hate speech correlates with
    • Far-right votes (Giavazzi 2023)
    • Anti-refugee violence (Müller & Schwarz 2021)


  • Studying effects of terrorist attacks on ethno-religious hostility in migration debates on Twitter
  • Over 4.5 million Tweets posted by about 1.2 million accounts in five countries after 10 major attacks
  • Time-stamped data capturing naturally occurring behavior in a “digital socioscope” (Pfeffer et al. 2023)
  • Analyzing attitudes at the moment a person decides to express them


Terrorism as group threat

“It is the events seemingly loaded with great collective significance that are the focal points of the public discussion. […] When this public discussion takes the form of a denunciation of the subordinate racial group, signifying that it is unfit and a threat, the discussion becomes particularly potent in shaping the sense of social position” Blumer (1958): 6

Terrorism as group threat

  • Terrorist attacks pose a threat to individual and collective safety
  • And strengthen intolerance and prejudice
  • H1: Ethno-religious hostility increases after terror attacks
  • However, effect tends to be short-lived (Hopkins 2010; Legewie 2013)
  • H2: The effect of H1 levels off over time

Prior research: Survey data

  • Natural experiments find mixed results
  • More negative attitudes after a terror attack
    • E. g.: Hopkins 2010; Legewie 2013, Böhmelt et al. 2019; Finseraas et al. 2011; Nussio, Bove, and Steele 2019
  • Little or no effect
    • E. g.: Brouard et al. 2018; Finseraas et al. 2011; Larsen et al. 2019
  • Methodological concerns and social desirability bias

Prior research: Social media data

  • Tweets sympathetic yet nationalistic after attack (Fischer-Preßler et al. 2019)
  • YouTube comments more hostile (Czymara et al. 2023)
  • Tweets became more similar to AfD language (Giavazzi et al 2023)

General and specific components of threat

  • Attacks can shape attitudes toward groups that are often associated with the attacks
  • H3a: Islamist attacks have the strongest effect on Tweets about Muslims
  • However, terrorism sometimes blamed on immigration in general (Helbling & Meierrieks 2020)
  • H3b: There is a spillover effect onto Tweets about migration in general


  • Attitudinal change vs. compositional change
  • Group threat theory implies users update their views
  • H4: Within users’ hostility increases after terror attacks


Overview of attacks

City Date Attack Deaths Injuries Abbreviation
Paris (FR) 7–9 January 2015 Charlie Hebdo + kosher supermarket shootings 17 19 FR15_CH
Paris (FR) 13 November 2015 Bataclan shootings and other attacks 137 413 FR15_BATA
Brussels (BE) 22 March 2016 Airport and metro station bombings 32 340 BE16
Nice (FR) 14 July 2016 Bastille Day truck attack 87 270 FR16
Berlin (DE) 19 December 2016 Christmas market truck attack 13 48 DE16
London (UK) 22 March 2017 Westminster Bridge attack 5 48 UK17_west
Manchester (UK) 22 May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing 22 239 UK17_man
London (UK) 3 June 2017 London Bridge attack 8 48 UK17_lon
Barcelona (ES) 17 August 2017 Van attacks 15 104 ES17
Strasbourg (FR) 11 December 2018 Christmas market attack 5 11 FR18


Search string

  • Goal: Identify Tweets that deal with migration related topics
  • Should include Muslims (much debated migrant group)
  • But no direct search for insults or derogatory terms, nor attack specific hashtags
  • Language-specific search string, English version:
 [1] "migration"   "immigration" "migrant"     "immigrant"   "foreigner"  
 [6] "migrants"    "immigrants"  "foreigners"  "refugee"     "refugees"   
[11] "asylum"      "islam"       "muslim"      "muslims"    

Descriptive overview

Distribution of Tweets before and after attacks

Measuring ethno-religious hostility

  • Relying on of Google Jigsaw’s Conversation AI’s Perspective
  • “Perspective is trained to recognize a variety of attributes (e.g. whether a comment is toxic, threatening, insulting, off-topic, etc.) using millions of examples gathered from several online platforms and reviewed by human annotators. Probability scores represent a probability, with a value between 0 and 1. A higher score indicates a greater likelihood that a reader would perceive the comment as containing the given attribute.” (Google)

Measuring ethno-religious hostility

  • Perspective’s IDENTITY_ATTACK attribute, which measures “Negative or hateful comments targeting someone because of their identity.” (Google)
  • In this context, I assume identity proxies ethnicity, race, or religion
  • Based on convolutional neural networks (Dixon 2018), details of the algorithm are proprietary


  • Annotated a random sample of Tweets, stratified by hostility level and case
  • Almost perfectly selected hostile Tweets only: Precision of 98 percent (\(\frac{true positive}{true positives + false positives}\))
  • High ability to detect hostility: Recall of 82 percent
    (\(\frac{true positive}{true positives + false negatives}\))


Statistical model

  • Dependent variable: Probability to be ethno-religiously hostile (ranging from 0 to 100)
  • Predictor: Posted either in the week before or after the attack (binary variable)
  • Running variable that counts the time before and after the attack (in minutes) to measure trends
  • Interrupted time series: \(p(hostility)=\beta_0+\beta_1attack+\beta_2time\_since\_attack +\) \(\beta_3attack*time\_since\_attack+\beta_4case+\epsilon\)
  • Cluster-robust standard errors at the user level


Results (H1 & H2)

Predictors Estimates
attack diff num 0.000001
(-0.000006 – 0.000009)
attack befaft01 9.876590 ***
(9.812098 – 9.941083)
attack diff num × attack
-0.001002 ***
(-0.001013 – -0.000992)
Observations 4596300
AIC 39791994.051
* p<0.05   ** p<0.01   *** p<0.001

Putting effect size into perspective

  • Hourly trend after attack: -0.06 percentage points
  • Daily trend after attack: -1.443 pp
  • The hostility level has returned to its prior level after 6.845 days

Variation across attacks

  • Allow both the attack effect and the trends to vary across cases
  • Three-way interaction model: \(p(hostility)=\beta_0+\beta_1attack+\beta_2time\_since\_attack+\beta_3case +\) \([twoway\_interactions]+\beta_4attack*time\_since\_attack*case+\epsilon\)

Variation across attacks

Without Tweets about Muslims or Islam (H3a & H3b)

  • 909841 Tweets do not mention Muslims or Islam at all
  • Immediate attack effect: 8.156 pp (\(p<\) 0.001) (compared to effect in pooled model: 9.877 pp)
  • Pre-attack trend: -0.001 pp per hour (\(p=\) 0.19)
  • Post-attack trend: -0.047 pp per hour (\(p<\) 0.001)

Intra-individual change (H4)

  • Fixed effects model
  • Analyzing a subset of accounts that Tweeted at least once before and after an attack
  • Somewhat different sample

Intra-individual change (H4)

  • Immediate attack effect: 3.594 pp (\(p<\) 0.001) (compared to effect in pooled model: 9.877 pp)
  • Pre-attack trend: 0 pp per hour (\(p=\) 0.088)
  • Post-attack trend: -0.019 pp per hour (\(p<\) 0.001)

Robustness checks

  • Binary outcomes (75% & 90% threshold) and logistic regression
  • Removing top 1% of highly active accounts (bots?)
  • Only before period, cut in half: no effect
  • Random treatment timing: no effect

Summing up


  • Islamist terrorism fuels online hate across cases and countries
  • Higher hostility levels after attacks
  • Due to individuals becoming more hostile
  • … and due to new people entering the debates
  • Limitation: deletion of hate speech (results overly conservative)
