Selected Presentations
Upcoming Talks
- Invited talk: Wandel und Kontinuität: Einstellungen zur Einwanderung in Deutschland und Europa vor und nach 2015. 10 Jahre nach der „Flüchtlingskrise“: Deutschland, Europa und die Asylsuchenden von 2015 am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) 🇩🇪 am 13 März 2025.
- Invited talk at the Immigration, Public Opinion, and Crime in the Digital Age (IPODA) - Leveraging online data sources with insights from traditional survey methods workshop at University of Cologne 🇩🇪 on 28. April 2025.
- Ringvorlesung mit dem Titel “Von Nationen und Narrativen – Identitäten in multiethnischen Gesellschaften” an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 🇩🇪 am 17. Juni 2025 (mit Antonia May).
- Two presentations accepted at this year’s European Survey Research Association conference at Utrecht University 🇳🇱 on 14.-18. July 2025.
- One presentation accepted at this year’s ECSR Annual Conference at the University of Cologne 🇩🇪 on 3.-5. September 2025.
Past Talks (Selection)
- Hostility on Twitter in the Aftermath of Terror Attacks. Digital Humanities and Social Sciences conference at Tel Aviv University 🇮🇱 on 21 May 2024.
- Who is considered a migrant in Post-Soviet Europe? Evidence from the Baltic States. 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association at University of Milan-Bicocca 🇮🇹 on 19 Jul 2023.
- What Shapes Far-Right Discourses on Immigration? Analyzing 23 Years of Right-Wing Print Media in Germany. 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference in Paris 🇫🇷 on 27 May 2022.